Using Text Messaging for Pastoral Care: How CareNote and Twilio Can Help

Faith-based organizations can use CareNote, a pastoral care application that simplifies congregant care, and Twilio, a communications platform that provides phone and text services, to use text messaging for pastoral care. CareNote's integration with Twilio's group messaging feature makes it easy to send out messages of support, reminders, and updates, and to provide information and resources to congregants. Twilio's Impact Access Program provides eligible organizations with a $500 credit to start using Twilio for text messaging pastoral care at no cost.

Twilio's Impact Access Program

Using Text Messaging for Pastoral Care

Pastoral care is an important aspect of any faith-based community, and it can be challenging to provide support and care to congregants during times of crisis or change. CareNote is a pastoral care application that simplifies this process, making it easier for pastors and other caregivers to provide the support that their congregants need.

One of the key features of CareNote is its tight integration with Twilio, a communications platform that provides phone and text services and connects with WhatsApp for messaging. By using CareNote in conjunction with Twilio, faith-based organizations can easily use text messaging to provide pastoral care and support to their congregants.

One fantastic feature of Twilio is its Impact Access Program, which grants eligible non-profits and churches (501c3) a $500 credit. This is enough for about 80,000 text messages and 50,000 voice calls. For these groups, this is an excellent way to start using text messaging for pastoral care.

CareNote is built to simplify congregant care, so we have integrated Twilio into CareNote to help you and your care network use text messaging in your pastoral care, for example:

  • CareNote's messaging feature allows pastors and other caregivers to send out messages of support and encouragement to congregants who are struggling, reminding them that they are not alone and that there is always someone there to listen.
  • CareNote's integration with Twilio's group messaging feature makes it easy to send out reminders and updates to large groups of people all at once, saving time and effort.
  • CareNote's messaging feature can be used to provide information and resources to congregants, such as links to articles, videos, or other helpful resources.
  • CareNote's integration with Twilio makes it easy to stay in touch with shut-ins and other isolated individuals, providing them with the support and care they need even if they are unable to leave their homes.

Overall, CareNote is a powerful pastoral care database that simplifies the process of providing pastoral care, and its integration with Twilio makes it easy for you and your care network to use text messaging as a way to reach out to their congregants and provide the support they need. Whether you are a pastor, care coordinator, chaplain, care provider, or simply someone who wants to make a difference in your community, CareNote and Twilio are great resources to help you get started. With Twilio's Impact Access Program and a $500 credit, you can begin using text messaging to provide pastoral care to your congregants at no additional cost.